Wednesday, October 18, 2006

De uma amizade nasceu uma família!!!

Realmente o amor não tem barreiras!!

Quero fazer uma dedicatório a uma família que nasceu da amizade entre os meus pais e extendeu-se até nôs os filhos, que é a família Brechet!!!

Nesta fotografia está a minha tia, Marie Claude Brechet segurando a minha primogénita Filipa. Ela conhece-me desde os meus 3 anos de idade, portanto podem ver a alegria dela ao segurar a neta??

Até a presente data, a nossa amizade continua e extende-se até a terceira geração das duas famílias e acredito que se extenderá até outras gerações vindouras.

Os padrinhos da nossa filha , pertencem a esta grande família Brechet, que é a Megan Brechet e Rachid Amamou... really love you all very much.

So let the love rule!!!

Ndombele Freddy

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Natural Groove I still miss you..

Natural Groove was the name of my band in South Africa, formed while we were doing our degrees and the members were:

  • Ndombele Freddy - Vocals, Rythim and solo guitar
  • Marcos Nunes - Drums and Vocals
  • Marcos Silva - Bass guitar
  • Ice - Rythim and acoustic guitar

Our style of music was a mix of rock, soul and litle bit of Acid-Jazz.

I still missing the good time we were together, the time I use to spend with M. Nunes writing songs adn doing arrangement...and now all has gone with the wind...maybe on the next lifetime who knows..

Today, myself and Ice have a degree in business, Marcos Nunes in Public Administration and Marcos Silva is completing his Engineering degree.

I stil have adream of one day maybe at Miami Beach here in Luanda, Angola to paly a gig just for friends...who knows

Ndombele Freddy

The good leader

Who is a good leader?
Management defines leadership has being the capability to influence others to attain a certain organisation goal.
This same science also teach us that in the new world , partipatory management is now th key for succes of any company, reason why emphasys has been given to team work within most majors companies, being a pre-requisite for employement.
But we now seeing some mens and woman with a very nice business degree including MBA( by the way I am planning to start soon with mine), but with no professional or business success and why?
Having a degree is something, but we must be able to put in practice what we learn.
I think for any management position in a company, different personality trends shoud be taken into consideration and one of them is the hability to deal with others, because someone who is arrogant by nature, who does not have a good interpersonal relationship and who does not consider other people opinion, this person will be difficult for him to apply the management principle he/she has learnt , like participatory management, hability to listen to their subordinate etc.
But now a day it seems that the more arrogant you are, the more "makiavelic" you can be are the keys for success, that's why we see manager who does not care about others, incriminating other all in the name of good leadership? Come on...
Ndombele Freddy

The African Dream

It has been a while since the last time I have wrote something in my blog and today I have decided to do it in English, hope you don't mind.

Why Africa has so many problems?

This question it has been on my mind since long time and slowly this question has been answered trough the life experience.

One of the issue I thing to be crucial to Africa is Unity.

First of all,we African need to understand that, the lack of unity has been an handicap to our development, and by that we should expect bad external influences and here I am not reffering only to the Western influence but the African one. I am not against positive external influence, I only get disapointed when this inlfuence is against the interest of Africans.

A united nation is very difficult to change the basic structure, for example countries like US or Eurpeans country, no other country can go there and try to change their basic structure, because of their Unity.

With unity we will have organisation, diologue and one goal: The development of Africa for the Africans and the rest of world.

We need to set models that works for Africans, external models can be beautifull and very nice on paper, but the reality can be completly different. To avoid that, we have African cientist, African business gurus etc, that can be used to find out what models works for Africa and apply them. For example countries like, Japan or China, they have set their own models that is accordingly with their reality and works there and I believe that if we took that to europe will not work so perfectly, why? Because of the cultural background of a nation that have to be considered before importing others models.

So Africa let Unite.

Ndombele Freddy

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Querer mais de ti

Querer mais de ti,
É desejar-te em silêncio
Amar-te as cegas
Beijar-te no escuro

Querer mais de ti
É chamar no silêncio
O nome dos meus segredos
Da paixão proibida

Querer mais de ti,
É sonhar e amar
amar por um momento
Amar e não ser amado